"Personal & Professional Coaching For Transformational Change"

Taking Time for Reflection

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image_john2In our busy lives, we often forge to take time for reflection. Our days are filled with activities centered around work, family, finances, relationships, and so on. Demands for our time are placed on us by everyone so it’s easy to understand why wemay sometimes neglect our own need for reflection. Why is reflection important? Reflection is valuable because it gives us an opportunity to look at our life with fresh new insightso that we can find ways to improve what we now doing. There are always areas of our life that can use some improvement. As you know, when we look at situations and opportunities with hindsight, our vision becomes 20/20. Practicing mental dress rehearsals is an effective method for achieving successful results. This can be done during times of reflection. Taking thirty to sixty minutes a day for reflection is good preventative maintenance for our mind, body, and spirit so that we can recharge our batteries. Are you taking time for reflection? Give it a try and watch what happens. The results will speak for themselves!

Written by coachcurran

October 13, 2009 at 2:10 am

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