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Posts Tagged ‘Unwrapping Your Life Purpose

Unwrapping Your Life Purpose

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image_john2One of things that I do as a life purpose coach is to help you to connect to your unique gifts in the service of others.. This is a short article that I came accross today that I think will help get you started in discovering your life’s purpose, if that’s something that you want to learn more about. As always, I am here for you if you decide that “life purpose” is something that you want to explore more deeply. I hope you find this article helpful
John Curran
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“Inspiring The Greatness In You”
Don’t be afraid to unwrap your gift…   by Randy Pipes on October 17, 2009
“You’ve probably heard the term “the gift of life” at one time or another. Usually it’s used in the context of how precious our allotment of time on earth can be. And certainly this is true.

Today, however I’d like you to see things from a slightly different perspective. The combined expression of who you are…your passions, personality, skill, talent, experience, etc. is a gift that was meant to be presented to your world. You are the gift.

It essence, that’s what purpose it…the contribution of your life in a way that expresses God’s goodness to others.

But I say this at the risk of knowing that some people might misinterpret what I’m saying. I’m not trying to lay a guilt trip on you for not doing more with your life. In fact, I know that some of you have given to the point of exhaustion.

The point is not to expend more of yourself, but to focus on the  expenditure of the right gift. The more you learn to focus your life energies toward the right contributions, the more powerful the influence of your life will become.

Let me explain what I mean…

It would be nice if we all had crystal clarity in terms of who we are. My experience however is that most people define themselves in terms of their perceived value to others. This creates pressure to perform according the expectations that are placed upon us.

So we run harder and faster and spread ourselves in all kinds of directions. We can give ourselves in so many ways, to the point of wearing ourselves out.

Ironically, these vicious cycles of performance often prevent us from understanding our true value to God. When we strive for the affection and approval of others, we miss the the extraordinary greatness of who we already are. It’s like adding more and more to ourselves in order to look better when God simply says, “Let me remove the wrapping paper so the world can see the value of who you already are!”

God will never love you any more or any less than He does at this very moment. He want’s to share His love to the world through the true expression of who He made you to be.

So rather than striving to have more, be more, do more…why don’t you take a risk…

Let God remove the wrapping paper. Don’t give yourself to please people. Believe in the value of who you already are. Serve from this position.

You are one of a kind and amazing. Stop wrestling to be more of who you are not. Focus on the extraordinary value of who you are. The world is waiting and the more you present them with the real you, the more powerful your influence will be! Blessings…R.P.P.”


Written by coachcurran

October 19, 2009 at 2:03 am

Wake up…Live The Life You Love

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image_john2I had been thinking about writing for a while, however it wasn’t until I discovered a true purpose for my writing, that I was able to really take action in bringing these words to you. I have always known deep down, that when I speak

I have always held a strong inner belief that we are all here for a purpose. It is truly amazing how much happiness and success it can bring into your life, once you discover what your purpose is. In my review of the literature written about success and happiness, I have discovered countless examples of people who are living proof of this. Jim Rohn is one example that comes to mind. I was reading an article that Jim had written, and throughout the article he continually focused on one message saying “the major key to your better future is YOU”. As you go through this book you will be reading about many people who are examples of living a happy, successful, and purposeful life. I am sure you could add a few of your own examples to the list, some living, and some no longer with us.




from the heart, the words seem to flow magically, like a concert pianist playing Mozart flawlessly. I believe that there is a divine, guiding force working through me to create the words that you are now reading. Some may refer to it as, inner voice, or higher power, and others may call it authentic self, God, or spiritual self. It really doesn’t matter what label you place on it or what name you want to call it, because it all emanates from the same Source, which is Love.