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Posts Tagged ‘business coaching

Business coaching for all levels of an organization

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Is business coaching only meant for the senior executives and personnel of an organization? No, that is not the case. As a matter of fact, with senior executives having a much wider range of experience across diverse nuances of business operations, it is often the executives at the middle and lower rungs that are in more urgent need of business coaching.

That is one of the foremost reasons for which business coaching as a phenomenon is in fact more highly recommended for executives across all levels of an organization; that way, much of the organization comes right on track as far as ensuring its suitable business operations and functioning is concerned. At the same time, just in case the senior executives are also desirous of obtaining business coaching, perhaps on matters related to overall strategy and direction of the business, then of course it is completely acceptable and fine to have business coaching being imparted to them as well.

This fact has in fact been put to test across various organizations; where the business coaching was doled out only to select executives and in other cases where business coaching was duly given out to all executives or at least the relevant ones across levels; it was consistently observed that the organizations where executives across levels received business coaching and mentoring tended to benefit the most.

Logically too if you look at it, you can easily see that an organization is all about working in tandem towards unified goals; when the goals are unified and the purpose or sense of direction towards the same also remains unified, then the overall achievements so to say also get magnified. Likewise, when business coaching is suitably imparted across levels, the general observation is that things cannot simply go wrong. The message being sent out is consistent and it remains so. Eventually, with everyone working towards the same goal and the line of thought and direction given to them by business coaches being consistent, there is all round prosperity to be witnessed!
In summation, if you are looking to maximize the benefits from business coaching, make sure that the same is doled out as many different layers and levels of the organization as possible.

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Written by coachcurran

October 2, 2010 at 1:35 am

Posted in recent blog posts

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