"Personal & Professional Coaching For Transformational Change"

Posts Tagged ‘Excerpts from my book

An Attitude of Gratitude

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image_john2At times it’s easy to forget the many things we should be thankful for. When things don’t seem to go as planned, we may feel discouraged, disheartened, and ungrateful for the good things in our life.Expressing an attitude of gratitude towards ourselves and others can give us the inspiration needed during those turbulent times in our life. There are so many things we can feel grateful for if we take the time to look for them. I encourage you to make a list of these things. Here are some examples from my list.
 • Grateful for the opportunities that help me to grow.
• Grateful for my health.
 • Grateful for a renewed faith in God.
 • Grateful for the business opportunities available to me.
 * Grateful for the opportunity to be able to make a difference in the quality of other people’s lives.

What does your list look like? Do you have such a list? If you don’t, I encourage you to make one. There may be many more things on it than you realize.


Written by coachcurran

September 20, 2009 at 11:44 pm

The Fountain of Growth…

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footprints-2Within the fountain of growth lies the fountain of youth. If we are constantly growing expanding and changing in body, mind, and spirit, then we are truly experiencing life. Stagnation produces death, decay, and entropy at a cellular level, as well as a personal level. Are you growing along physical, emotional, financial and spiritual lines or are you dying from inactivity? Growth is optional – change is NOT. The choice is yours, but the consequences are not. Are you willing to make the required changes in your life to bring about balance and personal fulfillment over time? Change requires hard work and commitment. to change those things that are within our control and accept those things that are outside. Self-knowledge and self-truth are essential for growth. Health, happiness and prosperity are within the grasp of a person who is willing to expect the best from himself and the abundant supply life has to offer. What are you doing on a daily basis to nourish your “fountaian of growth?

” Comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die”. -Stan Dale

Written by coachcurran

September 19, 2009 at 4:01 pm